Capire e farsi capire
Dall’incomprensione fino al plurilinguismo e all’interculturalità
IC EU is about seeing the world and allowing ourselves to be seen.
We’ve created a transdisciplinary and intercultural context inviting people from different backgrounds and areas of expertise to an intercultural conversation.
We’ve opened our series of events with the first seminar “Capire e farsi capire, ciascuno con chiunque – Dall’incomprensione fino al plurilinguismo e all’interculturalità”, a dialogue about the different ways in which we communicate, wonderfully hosted by IFOA in the majestic Palazzo Scaruffi in Reggio Emilia.
Davide Orlandini – What is intercomprehension?; Monica Predatu – How an idea became ICEU; Fabrice – Intercomprehension and Citizenship; Matteo Lei – Language learning as seen by a psychologist; Cecilia Salsi – What architecture tells us; Bianca Assad – Dance and body language; Francois Guyot – Cuisine and diversity.
Transdisciplinary dialogue facilitated by: IFOA in Reggio Emilia
Date: November 2019
Activity: Multiplier event